Presentation: Liquid Cascade Hourglass for Kids
Discover the Liquid Cascade Hourglass, an educational toy that promotes independence and mental rest. Watch as small and large droplets, as well as colored drops, make their way through. At first, it’s a wild rush, over time, it becomes a continuous fall that slows down at the end. Surprisingly soothing, this liquid hourglass is also used by students for a “time out” or at home just to relax.
Marketing Point: Soothing and Calming Visual Experience
The Liquid Cascade Hourglass offers a changing system over time. The shape of the drops changes again and again, making viewing fantastic. This water hourglass has a calming effect and is ideal for children with concentration problems and inner agitation. It will also be very lively for physics classes.
Specific Technical Point: High-Quality and Durable Material
The Liquid Cascade Hourglass is made of high-quality acrylic, making it resistant and durable. The details are careful and precise, ensuring a long life for the product. It is also exclusive to our brand, SandWatcher, and not available in stores.